Here’s a quick tip I found out about the other day from a fellow co-worker:
You can drag and drop a single file or folder onto the command prompt and it will paste the path automatically. This saves time compared to the old-fashioned way of selecting the address bar, copying, then right-clicking on the command prompt and pasting (I always hit ctrl-v which gives you the wonderful “^V”, which you then have to delete and do the fantastically fun right-click and paste feature).
Works on 2000/XP/2003.
For Vista, this functionality has been removed for the following reason:
This was done to reduce the command window’s dealings with the dragged data object.
This means on Vista, you must shift-right-click the file or folder and choose “Copy as Path” and then right-click on the command window and paste, which brings into play the dreaded “Ctrl+V” issue I mentioned above.
Oh well, what can you do?
(please don’t say “don’t run Vista”)