I’m currently using Vista x64 with a nVidia-based videocard with dual monitors and have run into the following issue:
I work on my machine, then I lock it. Later I come back and type my password to unlock it and I get to stare at black monitors with only the cursor showing. Previously I would have shutdown the machine (power button does this gracefully) and then start it back up.
Yesterday, I found a workaround while trying a bunch of different things, since I had a couple of Visual Studio 2008 instances open among other things:
- Lock your machine again (Windows Key + L) or (Alt+Ctl+Del, then L). At this point, you still won’t be able to see anything, but your cursor should technically be in the password box for your login.
- Now, type your password, hit enter, and your desktop should come back they way it should have when you first unlocked it.
Update 04/04/08 – You may have to repeat these steps a couple of times to get it to work.
Annoying, but at least now I don’t have to restart my computer everytime I get the BSOD (Black Screens of Death).